Makaton Challenge – Social media campaign

Makaton Challenge – Social media campaign

Social distancing will not stop our mission

UPDATE: We have raised £31 so far which is great and thank you to those who have donated through the link. We will holding more fundraising challenges soon to keep people connected in heard through this difficult time.

In a time of no hugs, kisses or cuddles our team are still fighting to keep connected with the sensory and signing world. So they jumped at the chance to participate in The Makaton Charity #SpeakitSignitSymbolit challenge through the magic of the internet. Watch our video to see how you can get involved!

Let’s get everyone involved mums, grans and the neighbours dog. Nominate them all! Tag us on social media too and join us in signing and sending some love. 💙 #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth #sendthelove

We have also set up a Donation station through Facebook where even the smallest contribution would help support isolated children and adults during this COVID -19 pandemic.

Ella Rides, Nathaniel McCloskey and Jake Beltran signing along with The Makaton Charity