Members of our steering group use their experiences, skills and knowledge of the barrier to access for Now in a Minute theatre's audience. This group is invaluable in insuring the voice of lived experience remains at the core of our work and decision making. Meeting with be co-ordinating with Our Audience Engagement Officer and our new board of Trustees.
If you feel you would make a good addition to the team please email us at nowinaminute.theatre@gmail.com
Trustee/ Charity Director vacancy
Now in a Minute Theatre is taking the leap! Charity status here we come 🤞
Our next mission is to find individuals who would like the opportunity to work as a Trustee/Charity Director.
Although we have mentioned some desired skills, you most certainly don’t have to have 20 years of experience and several degrees to be an effective member of the board.
We want to hear from a wide range of people that are excited about this invigorating and dynamic role. You will be a the very heart of the charity and its work, liaising with a team of likeminded people.
If you would like to hear more about the company's transition to a CIO and the role trustees will play in the structure of the charity, please email us at nowinaminute.theatre@gmail.com.